The day Pet Clark sobbed on screen.

In September we will be seeing Petula Clark starring in a very special TV pop spectacular called "Tale of Two Rivers."
      Petula, sitting waif-like and lost at the side of the Thames in the rain, singing her own very personal version of "Homeward Bound." After which she burst into tears.
      "Tale of Two Rivers"--which hits our TV screens in four separate
shows--is the brainchild of Southern TV's famous pop producer Mike Mansfield, who decided to make a very different pop show by filming London and Paris by river with a huge cast and music.
      Filming started on June 1 when background shots of the Thames were filmed. For shooting both on the Thames and the Seine, Mike ordered a boat called "The Southerner" to house a crew of 20 technicians, which became a floating TV studio.
      The following Sunday, Dave Clark and Cathy McGowan were filmed on the Thames and from then on the river was constantly full of pop stars being filmed on it, round it and everywhere but actually IN it.
      This went on until July when filming started in Paris on the River Seine. French stars Claude Francois and Richard Anthony were joined by Marianne Faithfull for shots round the Eiffel Tower and Champs-Elysees.
      The filming waas completed last weekend.
      Apart from the unusual presentation technique, Mansfield also introduced a new way of recording, by taking his entire cast into the recording studios in London to tape his soundtrack.
      The finished product will probably have Petula singing the theme song, which has been written by Tommy Moeller of Unit Four Plus Two and is titled "Tale of Two Rivers."
      The entire cast list reads: Petula Clark, Marianne Faithfull, Sandie Shaw, Lulu, Dave Clark, Cathy McGowan, Claude Francois, Richard Anthony, Mark Wynter, Unit Four Plus Two, Adam Faith & the Gojos.